List of offset printers

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Take a look at our list of offset printers!

Our domain of activity includes among other thing the printing devices department. Although it may seem a boring area, we ensure you that it is not the case. We can clearly say that in our business the challange does not ever passes us by. We’ve learn a lot over the years and we realized that in this area you must be one of the first who knows all the news about this products.

We conformed to that and so we made a list of offset printers, so that even this segment can have a clear delimitation and a group of clients who can be satisfied by your products and your entrepreneurial skills.

For those who don’t know by now, the offset printers have a special place in the printing area, and this thing comes as a result to the technology development. The term used at first, “offset” is about a special printing process, pretty well known by now by the ones that activates in this field. Practically the difference between this process and the others is about using the ink for the printing in a different way than usual.

The ink will not be applied directly on the paper, it will be at first tranferred on a plate, and from there, using a rubben piece, it will land on the plane paper.

The advantages of such a printing device consist in the large amount of paper that can be used, and we are now talking about big rolls of paper, that can reduce the manufacturing time, especially if you can imagine producing a newspaper or a magazine. Although the process uses water beside ink, the two component do not mix one with each other, leading in this way to a perfect distribution of the colours.

The usual colours are: Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y) and Black who is noted with the K letter in order not to confuse the user, and making him somehow thing about the blue colour.

For many of the users, the offset printing process is called offset lithography. These area has ramification in the photography printing area, and the processes are quite similar. Both of them are very effective, and both of them are using the latest technology for printing. As a very big advantage of both printing types, we can speak about the reduce time for drying, which means that you will no longer have to wait for a long time until the printed paper is dry.

Another advantage in that using this process the ink will not disipate onto the surface, and the defect will be more reduced, if not even eradicated. The cutting of the material can be done without encouring a problem, the surface looks perfect, and the time and the money are being used more responsably.

Now that you know what it means this kind of printing, and you have such equipments that you have on sale, or you may want to buy, we can offer you a list of offset printers that may help you with this entire process. It will not extra cost you, and the benefits will be quickly visible to you, even from the start. You must not spend any second waiting, because we all agree to one and only thing.

Time is money so instead of loosing them awaiting, you can easily make them, and even get profit by that.